
Monday, December 23, 2013

Yr 7 Moving Onto Yr 8 :)

This year alone I've learnt a lot from other people and especially my teachers, as they guided me throughout the year. Thank you so much Mrs Nua and Mr Barks, you both have helped me a lot to stay on track and always try my hardest even when I feel that things are too hard. Same with my friends Cheyanne and Faa'ao, they both have helped me out too with a lot of different things. 2014 I know will be a big challenge, moving up a year and being a yr 8 you always have to be aware that what ever you do the little kids are watching you. So its best to be a role model. A special goal for me next year would have to be to aim high and get there as quick as possible, the faster the better. Education for me is a really important thing and can be useful in a whole lot of different ways in the future. Obviously you're going to have to know the basic things and that's what school is for. Next year is going to be a different year and everything's going to change. I really do hope that even though I may get put into a different class or even separated from my friends its going to be one of the coolest year of my life at Point England School. BRING ON 2014!! :)


  1. You are welcome Taeshell! We loved having you in Room 22, you have such a great attitude to learning and have shown that you can lead by example. I'm looking forward to seeing you continue to grow as a great role model in our Senior School.

  2. Hey Taeshell
    It is Great that you enjoy your year in room 22 lasted year.It is good to hear the you work hard even though it is a bit to hard.

